The dedicated team at Southern Cross Care Tasmania continues to implement best practice for COVID-19, along with other common seasonal respiratory illnesses, such as influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We have an established organisational outbreak management plan, designed to significantly reduce the likelihood and extent of an outbreak.

If one of our facilities is experiencing an exposure or outbreak of COVID-19, influenza or RSV, visitation to the site may change in line with public health advice. 

Staff and visitors may be required to wear masks in our aged care homes, so when visiting you should follow the advice displayed on signage around the Home or ask a staff member if you are unsure.

Screening & RAT tests continue to be a requirement before visiting our aged care homes, and we ask you do not visit if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses.

You can review the Best Practice Guidelines for Aged Care Services, which can be found here.  

What happens when where is an outbreak within the facility:

All outbreaks are managed according to the latest Commonwealth and State health advice, which changes periodically.

All residents affected by COVID-19 or other infectious disease will be isolated and receive care and services within their rooms.  Other restrictions across the Home will depend on the type and extent of the outbreak but may include closing dining rooms and restricting activities. You can be assured that any outbreak restrictions imposed will only be those required to keep our residents safe and be for the shortest amount of time possible.

All residents that are unaffected will be able to receive visitors in their rooms, continue to move around the Home (e.g., for exercise), and leave on their usual appointments and outings.

We thank you for your support in minimising the impact of COVID-19 within Southern Cross Care facilities.

The COVID testing station at Yaraandoo.